Understanding the Payout Percentages in Online Roulette

Online roulette is a popular casino game that offers players the chance to win big payouts. However, to be a successful player, it’s important to understand the payout percentages in online roulette. In this article, we will discuss what payout percentages are and how they are used in online roulette to determine the amount of money a player can win on a given bet.

What are Payout Percentages?

Payout percentages refer to the amount of money a player can expect to win on a given bet. This percentage is calculated based on the odds of the bet and the amount of money being wagered. In online american roulette, payout percentages are used to determine the amount of money a player can win on a given bet. For example, a payout percentage of 35 to 1 means that if a player bets $1 on a given number, they can expect to win $35 if that number is hit.

How are Payout Percentages Calculated in Online Roulette?

The payout percentages in online roulette are calculated based on the odds of each type of bet. For example, the odds of hitting a single number in European roulette are 37 to 1, so the payout percentage for a single number bet is calculated as follows:

(1 / 37) * 100 = 2.70%

This means that if a player bets $100 on a single number, they can expect to win $2.70 if that number is hit. The payout percentage for each type of bet in online roulette is calculated in the same way, based on the odds of the bet.

Why are Payout Percentages Important in Online Roulette?

Payout percentages are important in online roulette because they determine the amount of money a player can win on a given bet. Understanding the payout percentages for each type of bet in online roulette can help players make informed decisions about where to place their bets. For example, bets with higher payout percentages have a greater potential for big payouts, but they also have a lower probability of winning. On the other hand, bets with lower payout percentages have a lower potential for big payouts, but they have a higher probability of winning.

How do Payout Percentages Affect the House Edge in Online Roulette?

The payout percentages in online roulette also play a role in determining the house edge. The house edge is the advantage that the casino has over the player and is calculated based on the payout percentages for each type of bet. The higher the payout percentages for a given bet, the lower the house edge. This means that bets with higher payout percentages have a lower advantage for the casino and a higher advantage for the player.


In conclusion, understanding the payout percentages in online roulette is important for making informed decisions about where to place your bets. By understanding the odds and the potential payouts for each type of bet, players can increase their chances of winning big in online roulette. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding the payout percentages in online roulette is an essential part of being successful at this exciting and popular game.